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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 9 - Hampton to Hardeeville SC - 47.7 miles

Why did the reptile cross the SC Highway?
Today's ride - from Hampton to Hardeeville - is 47.7 miles.  As you can see from the elevation graph, it's practically flat all day. The highest point is at mile 9.1 at a whopping 124 ft. By the time I get to Hardeeville I'll be at 20 ft. above sea level.  Today's ride will take me on several stretches of County Roads. County Roads are those that are  maintained by the county highway departments. They usually run through some pretty remote or desolate areas and can often be in various states of "needing to be worked on".

The four regions of SC
The state of South Carolina is divided into four regions - Upstate, Midlands, Pee Dee (stop laughing) and Low Country. Beginning today, and for the rest of the trip, I am officially in Low Country. Swamps, lush green forest, black water rivers and creeks, coastal marshes, and south eastern coastal wildlife (including alligators) abound in the SC Lowcountry region.
Cell service probably not available here
Several of the county roads I'll be traveling today have been raised, with swamps on both sides of the road. Most probably, there will be no cell service, very few homes or businesses,sparse traffic and alligators. A breakdown or flat would not be good today. OK Google! How fast an alligator can run? - I plan to stay at Holiday Inn Express & Suites 145 Independence Boulevard   Hardeeville,  South Carolina  29927 - 1-843-784-2800

Flat-lining in Low Country

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